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Step by Step Process to Trademark Registration in UAE

Now as you have planned to start a business in UAE, there are multiple things to get everything done before you embark on your business venture. Trademark registration is one such vital step you might be at least aware. The initiation procedure for your business includes trademark registration along with choosing a company name, designing a logo and registration process.

Here we tell you about trademark registration in UAE including step by step process for this.

What does trademark mean?

Trademark is a valuable form of intellectual property which can be a name, symbol, design, logo or world – anything which is used by a manufacturer or business owner to distinguish themselves from other businesses. A trademark can also include signatures, marks, sounds or figures to refer to the products or services, exclusively belonging to a business. Trademarks are protected according to their subcategories which are 45 in total.

Importance of trademark

A trademark is a form of intellectual property, it is valuable for a business for a variety of reasons:
·      Distinguish your products and services – Trademark enables consumers to identify specific products and services from businesses and distinguish them from competitors. This helps to increase your exposure in the marketplace.
·         Protect your business – A registered trademark provides protection to business ensuring that it can be exclusively used by that business. Any breach of a company’s trademark will be handled by the UAE Ministry of Economy as it includes serious penalties, like fines and imprisonment.
·         Marketing tools – Trademark can be an effective marketing tool for business which helps them to establish their presence in a new market.
·         Revenue – A company can sell its trademark or franchise its business.
·         Increase business value – Trademark can significantly increase the value of your business.

How to register a trademark in the UAE?


You can hire an intellectual property service to apply on your behalf. It will also include doing the initial research for the targeted trademark registration. This step will be followed by submitting application to the concerned authorities.

Search result

If the trademark has been registered by none, you proceed for the next steps.


The documents are deposited along with an application for your trademark registration.

Document verification

Once application submission and deposition are done, trademark is examined by the concerned authorities.


The result of this examination is announced in a few months.


If not opposition is made by third parties, the payment of fees is made. You receive a certification of trademark registration as a confirmation. In case of oppositions raised by third parties, you are given a month’s time to file an appeal.
Now you must be aware of everything about the trademark and its registration process.

Confused Where should you buy a Digital Sign?

If you are not sure where should you get a digital sign for your business, you should blindly rely on TV Liquidator for it. It is the best place to buy a digital sign. They have brand new states of the art that look better, brighter and have more features compared to any other LED sign available in the market.

One of the reasons you should go for them is that they are best and they offer superior quality made with the cheapest prices possible. In addition to that, they offer new features that no other company provides to date. One of the best thing about them is they supply hundreds of electronic sign boards through internet resellers throughout the United States and Canada. Their massive sales volume is making it easier to get in touch and take away the newest signs from the market at unbeatable prices.
Talking about the other things of the company makes it easier because they have a big stock of different signs in a variety of shapes, colors and features. 

Moreover, one can go for them without any fear because they offer a 3-year warranty. If you are interested to know more about the company and the products, keep reading here.

3 Legal Documents Required For Acquiring a Business

Acquiring an existing business not only opens the door to new opportunities, but it also offers a whole lot of benefits. For example, it gives the buyer access to an existing customer base, the buyer does not have to train employees, and they also get the acquired business’s intellectual property. In a nutshell, one does not have to start from scratch.

To ensure everything goes smoothly and legalities are followed, many businesses hire M&A Law Firm in Beirut, Lebanon or other parts of the world. M&As are under the local government’s scanner. To ensure no laws are violated, you may be asked to furnish legal documents that validate the deal. In this post, we take a look at some important documents that you’d require when acquiring a business, irrespective of your location.

1. Heads of Agreement 

Heads of Agreement includes a summary of the major terms and conditions of the deal. Alternatively known as Heads of Terms, the document is considered as an outline of the framework of the deal. The document, however, must include important details related to price, intellectual property, warranties, and indemnity.

2. Asset Purchase Agreement

Asset Purchase Agreement must include details about the assets such as stock, machinery, and intellectual property purchased. If the business’s office is located on leased land, the landlord must provide their consent in writing to transfer the lease to the new owner. The document must also cover details related to warranties, employee transfer, and the business’s creditors and debtors.

3. Share Purchase Agreement

Companies that prefer structuring the deal as a purchase of company shares, will need to draft a Share Purchase Agreement. The agreement must cover details pertaining to indemnities, restrictive covenants, and clauses limiting the acquired company’s liability. The Share Purchase Agreement must also include the disclosure letter that records any exception to warranties.

Do your homework before acquiring a company

These are some legal documents that you’d need when buying a business. Before closing the deal, direct your legal team to draft completion documents covering completion agenda and board minutes, in case of share transfer. M&A laws are complex, which is why It is advisable that you consult an M&A law firm in Beirut, Lebanon or any other part of the world. 

أربعة أسباب منطقية لامتلاك عقارات في أنطاليا

أنطاليا هي المحور التركي المطل على البحر المتوسط، واحدة من أكبر المدن في تركيا. كما أنها واحدة من المدن الأكثر زيارة في العالم. اقتصادها الحيوي والمناظر الطبيعية المتنوعة، والكثير من المشاريع العقارية على البحر جعل المدينة واحدة من الوجهات الأكثر إثارة في "الريفييرا التركية".
العقارات على شاطئ لارا والوحدات السكنية في كونياتي هما الموقعان المثاليان للاستثمار على مدار العام.
دعونا نوضح في هذا المقال لم عليك شراء عقار أو وحدتك السكنية في أنطاليا 

عقارات انطاليا

الشقق المواجهة للبحر
 هذا واحد من الأسباب الرئيسية لامتلاك عقارات في أنطاليا. تخيل، أنك جالساً في شرفة منزلك المواجهة للبحر وتحتسي فنجاناً من القهوة في الصباح. أليس هذا منزل أحلامك؟
مثل هذه الشقق والوحدات متاحة في أنطاليا ,وغيرها من المشروعات العقارية تأخذ مكاناً كبيراً في المدينة, ولذا لن تندم لاستثمار أموالك في أنطاليا  فالأجانب من شتّى أنحاء العالم يفضلون 
الاستثمار في أنطاليا.

رخيصة و معقولة
على الرغم من أن جمال أنطاليا لا يُقدر بثمن إلا أنها تضم العديد من العقارات ذات الأسعار المعقولة, فشركات العقارات يمكنها أن توفر لك شقق و وحدات سكنية ومنازل بأنواع مختلفة وأسعار في متناول يد الجميع.
عند شرائك منزل, يمكنك التفاوض في الأسعار لايجاد منزل مناسب لميزانيتك, فمقولة أن الطبقات الغنية فقط هم من يمكنهم التملك في أنطاليا هي مقولة غير صحيحة تماماً, فالمدينة كسرت جميع الحواجز ووفرت العديد من الفرص لامتلاك منزلك الخاص هناك.

الهندسة المعمارية الحديثة
أنطاليا تتيح لك التمتع بمزيج من الطبيعية والجمال الحديث, لا نستطيع أن ننكر أن تركيا تشتهر بجمالها العتيق والساحر, المعالم الأثرية التاريخية والهندسة المعمارية الرائعة.
سوق العقارات الحديثة في أنطاليا يتجاوز جميع هذه الأقوال, فإنه يقدم لك كل شئ بدايةً من تصوير الڨيلات ووحدات تطل على البحر إلى المباني الأخرى التي تحمل الطابع المعماري الحديث, مما يثبت أن تركيا هي الأفضل في عصر الهندسة المعمارية الحديثة.

سهولة التواصل
المضي قدماً مع أسباب قوية أخرى مثل سهولة الاتصال, هو سبب آخر للتملك في أنطاليا, فأنت تستطيع الوصول لأي شئ و كل شئ بمنتهى الأريحية سواء كان المستشفيات، والمدارس والكليات، الصالة الرياضية، ووسائل النقل العام ووسائل النقل الخاصة – و كل ما إلى ذلك متاح, وعلى الرغم من هذه التسهيلات المتاحة في كل مدينة، ما يحدد مكانة أنطاليا في الأساس هو الجمال الطبيعي والمناظر الطبيعية الخلابة. 
وهذه هي الأسباب الرئيسية المحفزة لامتلاك منزل أو شقة في أنطاليا.  

Allocating Employee Engagement Accountability

Remember what we first need to understand is who is responsible for employee engagement accountability? When employee engagement is raised who takes the credit? And when engagement is declining or declined who is making the blame? Are fingers pointing at you because you are CEO or Hr head?

Every member of the organization has one or either responsibility and in its employee engagement in all activities of the organization is necessary. Let’s understand why employee engagement matters to the people and to the business and why only some organization focus on employee engagement training. It is not only necessary to keep an employee active but also to keep the company culture happy and satisfactory for the organization.

When we look by role: Employees are the vital factor where they can tell how engaged they are and how the level of discretionary effort can be used to know how long they will stay.

If you too think it is a matter to look forward, keep reading at:

How Can Drones Improve Your Business?

Drones have great potential, and they can help improve your business operations significantly. With various UAS business solutions, you can make your business operations more efficient.
In many industries, they work in those places where human find it nearly impossible to deliver. So they can save human life as well. If you too want to benefit from drones in your industry/business, you might have to seek help from professionals who can analyze the potential of drones in your business.
Some industries that have already seen tremendous benefits are construction. In this industry, drones help in better round the clock monitoring of the projects.
Other uses are in the form of video technology applications, so you find them being used in inspection of tall and remote structures.
Want to know more how can drones help you run the business more efficiently? Click here!

How Can Mindfulness Enhance your Child’s Academics?

How did you manage your stress while going through your board exams? Well, the pressure of an intense exam period is enough to make your head spin. What about those little kids then, who are all drenched with the pressure of securing good marks? This surmounting pressure from the parents has been creating pressure, stress, and fear among the little munchkins.  Though it is stressful for the parents as well, the little kids get swept away by every random gust and that’s what the problem is.

The most common belief amongst parents to improve their child in academics is to send them to tuitions. There are tutoring services for high school students which are indeed effective. However, sending your child to tuitions is not the only thing that is required for your child’s success, of course. Students in their tutorial classes learn a lot due to personalized attention of the teachers, but don’t you think your child first needs a mental stability to grasp things while studying?Parents, you just need to know how to cope and you need the tools, one of them being the mindfulness.

Why Mindfulness?

High school can be very stressful for the teens, right from academics to part-time jobs and relationships. So, to help your teen manage it all, mindfulness can be a significant step for the students to focus on their academics. Mindfulness- a secular meditation technique deep-rooted in Buddhism helps in paying attention to your presentation without being judgmental. It is a normal tendency in the students that over the time, they develop the ability to detach from whatever they have been clinging to and therefore, they are not coming down to themselves often.
Though mindfulness has not been directly correlated with academics, but research elucidates that it can decrease anxiety and improves attention.  Mindfulness is not at all a cure, although its practice might help the students and teachers feel more alive, excited, lively, focused and attentive to each other.

Teachers are naturally emphatic and compassionate towards their students, but in the stress of life and other things, these qualities are often lost and the relationship between the student and the teacher is considerably affected. Practicing the mindfulness techniques can help the teachers to cultivate kindness towards the students, thus strengthening the bond between a teacher and a student. If we ponder over the private tutoring services, they help students with personalized one-to-one attention and the customized study plan addressed for their weaker subject areas.   

How can Mindfulness be incorporated into the high schools?

  • Explore Mindfulness

It is of utmost importance for the teachers to experience mindfulness before they can pass on the techniques to their students. There are many online courses for the teachers to go for, so that they make their foundation rock solid to give necessary insights to the students.

  • How to bring Mindfulness into play

The teachers can easily incorporate mindfulness through regular 1-3 minutes guided lessons. Moreover, teachers can instruct their students to take note of their breaths, thoughts and mind, so that the students can focus on one particular thing to allow their body and brain to rest.

  • Establish a Mindfulness Program

Mindfulness works as a sustained experience. Mindfulness programs should be organized in the activity periods of the students or in the health classes. Students themselves should be allowed to develop the skills required to continue this practice on their own. It is really not hard to take out 5-10 minutes out of the class once or twice a week to help the students. 

Students who lack motivation can get benefited from private tutoring services because tutors can assist students with the exam techniques and work with them to fine tune their skills and knowledge.  Among many of the benefits of Mindfulness comes skills and disposition which are very helpful in the context of education. Mindfulness practices help children to enhance their ability to pay attention, just by learning to focus on one thing. Mindfulness also provides kids with skills of understanding them and how to work with them.

Interior Designer e Interior Decorator: Difference Between the Two

Qual è in realtà l'essenza della decorazione d'interni e del design? Creare eleganti stanze in cui le persone amano vivere. Non è vero? Ma la maggior parte delle persone non conosce la differenza tra arredamento e design. Entrambi questi termini sono usati in modo intercambiabile, ma entrambe le professioni differiscono considerevolmente.

Il concetto è semplice come la decorazione ha a che fare con il rendere le cose belle e accattivanti in superficie e il design al contrario ha molto più a che fare con il modo in cui funziona lo spazio. L'interior design è fondamentalmente un'arte e una scienza di percepire il comportamento delle persone per creare spazi di lavoro all'interno di un edificio. In breve, gli interior designer possono decorare, ma i decoratori non progettano.

Però, le parole arredamento e design potrebbero sembrare uguali, ma sono due facce di una moneta. Quindi, sv’ela entrambi i lati di una moneta e conosci la differenza tra i due.

Qual è il lavoro di un architetto d'interni?

Un interior designer implementa soluzioni tecniche e creative all'interno di uno spazio strutturale che è operativo, attraente e migliora la qualità della vita dei residenti. Il processo di progettazione degli interni segue una metodologia coordinata e meticolosa, tra cui la conoscenza della ricerca e la combinazione della conoscenza in un processo creativo.

Come funzionano gli arredatori d'interni?

Un arredatore d'interni non è affatto coinvolto nella progettazione dell'edificio o nella disposizione dello spazio interno. Il punto focale di un decoratore d'interni è interamente l'arredamento, i colori e le trame delle stanze. Catturare la personalità e lo stile dei residenti e quindi esprimerli nello spazio è qualcosa che viene fatto dagli arredatori. Inoltre, un decoratore non richiede alcuna formazione ufficiale per ereditare il titolo.

Per concludere, Interior Design è più di un termine professionale e un corso che molti studenti preferiscono perseguire. Ma, Interior Decorator non è utilizzato in generale sul fronte professionale. La decorazione è qualcosa che viene eseguita esternamente, ma la progettazione viene da ogni interno.

Il costo della terra ha visto un'enorme ripresa negli ultimi anni. Questo perché l'uso efficiente ed efficace dello spazio è diventato una necessità. Quindi, arredamento d'interni einterior design, i due rami di un singolo albero hanno iniziato a prosperare.

How to Pick the Right Attorney In few Steps

At many points, people need the service of a good lawyer, be it handling the real estate transaction or dealing with a family law issue. Picking the right lawyer may be an intimidating task for many. To help you out, here is a quick guide.

An honest lawyer
Many attorneys offer a free of charge consultation for the first time. Take advantage of it and meet the lawyer to determine whether s/he is honest or not. You will get to know at least a little bit of his/her character by interaction. For example, how confident the lawyer is? Is s/he willing to take your case? You may ask the kind of cases s/he has litigated in his/her career. Also, ask him/her about the chances of the success and failure of your case. If the lawyer sounds unusually confident for the success of your case, s/he is probably not being honest. There are always some downsides or risks involved in a case.

Area of expertise
You will always want to make sure that the lawyer you are going to hire has sufficient experience in the area of the law you need assistance. For example, if you need assistance in a personal injury case, you will best look for a personal injury attorney in Miami,Florida. There are multiple practice areas in the field of law and most lawyer handle cases of particular practice areas.

An initial meeting with the attorney can also help you decide whether s/he will be responsive to your needs. Here, your instincts can serve you as a guide. Ask the attorney whether it is okay to call them if you need to discuss a concern. If s/he hesitates at such idea, you will face trouble conveying your thoughts and receive answers to your questions when the trail begins.

Other questions you can ask regarding communication is - will you be given updates on the status of your case on the phone.

Price range
Finding the right attorney also include finding one whose services falls within your budget. Of course, you don’t want to break the bank for your case. By keeping this in mind, inquire about the cost of the initial meeting. It would be shocking to discover later that your attorney is charging you per letter, per phone call and per hearing.

Keep all the points mentioned above in mind so that you can choose the right attorney.