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Are You A New Manager Looking For Success Mantra?

You are a new manager and want to succeed in the new role. You are trying to figure out the ways to it.  But do you know that a large number of front-line managers are not satisfied with their performance? The first step to becoming a successful manager is to let go your ego. You have to understand it very clearly that your success depends on the success of your team. It is very different from working as an executive where you are responsible for your job. A manager is responsible for the performance of the entire team. So you’ll have to change your mindset and think how you can make your team work for you. You may analyze the capabilities of every team member to identify their strengths and weaknesses. You may have to work with them closely so that they can confide in you and are motivated to work with you. It is just one of the things you may have to do. Continue reading, and you’ll find some mantras for success as a new manager.