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Everything You Should Know About Stem Cells

Stem cells are the tiny cells that have the great potential to save lives. These cells are the master cells which act as a basic building block of the human body. These cells have a unique ability as they can transform into specialized cells such as blood cells, brain cells, muscle cells, bone cells, etc.

Over the years, because of stem cell banking benefits, cord blood banking has become very popular. So, here we bring you the information on the unique properties of stem cells and the role they play.

Unique Properties Of Stem Cells

Stem cells obtained from the umbilical cord blood have high regenerative properties. These cells have the ability to treat about 80+ diseases in the human body. These stem cells can develop into blood cells and replace the diseased cells.
Cord blood banking has gained huge popularity which is mainly because of its ability to treat cancers such as lymphomas, leukaemia, genetic disorders, metabolic and immune disorders. Thus, Umbilical Cord Blood Banking is highly recommended by doctors worldwide.

How Do Stem Cells Work?

Various factors such as ageing, injury, illness often lead to the parts of the body or its functions to be damaged or affected. Stem cells are capable of both replacing and repairing these affected parts by restoring the normal functioning of the human body. The role stem cells play in healthcare is:

        ·        Stem cells can treat over 80 blood related medical conditions such as Thalassemia, Leukemia Lymphoma, Neuroblastoma, Multiple Myeloma, etc.,
             ·        Over 500 clinical trials are currently underway to increase the scope of future treatments for conditions like Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Stroke, Diabetes.

Application Of Stem Cells In Medicine

·        Stem cells are currently used in various modern-day medicines as they can help in the treatment of over 80+ medical conditions.

·        For over 50 years, more than 13 lakhs successful stem cells transplants have been done across the globe. And currently, the number is more than 50,000 stem cells transplants every year, and this number is growing as we speak.

·        Stem cells have the ability to self-renew, and they can differentiate into different types of cell. And thus, stem cells have found applications in the treatment of various diseases.


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