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How To Buy A Pigeon Net in Jodhpur, India


Pigeon-rearing is a popular hobby in many parts of the world, not just among bird enthusiasts. Pigeon racing has become an increasingly popular sport in many parts of the world, especially in South America and parts of the Middle East. It involves racing pigeons and winning by getting the birds to fly the fastest. There are many different pigeon races, and each has its own requirements. That’s why buying a pigeon net is an essential part of pigeon-rearing. It’s not enough to just buy a net; you have to make sure it’s suitable for the type of pigeons you’re raising.

Peacocks, for instance, are much more delicate than common pigeons. So the net you buy for them will also have to be more durable. Here are some tips on buying a pigeon net in Jodhpur, India.

Know What You’re Looking For

Before going shopping, you should know what kind of pigeon net you’re looking for. You can find pigeon nets in many different types and styles, so you should know precisely what features you’re looking for and what you’re trying to achieve.

- Size: You should buy a big enough net for your pigeons. You may want to buy a smaller yield if you're just starting out. But if you’re serious about keeping pigeons, you should buy a more giant net.

- Material: The most common nets are woven nets and mesh nets. The woven nets make them more durable, and they’re also more expensive. Mesh nets are cheaper and more portable, but they don’t last as long. You can also buy traps made of netting explicitly designed for pigeons.

- Sturdiness: Make sure your net is sturdier than your pigeons. While pigeons are generally mighty flyers, they can sometimes get stuck in the mesh of their own net. Naturally, you don’t want this to happen to your pigeons. So, make sure your net is sturdier than your pigeons.

- Be Ready To Spend: You should expect to spend anywhere between ₹2,000 and ₹3,000 on a pigeon net.

Measure Your Pigeons

You may have bought a pigeon net without measuring your pigeons first, but that’s a mistake. You may have purchased a pigeon net too big for your pigeons. This can be dangerous for your pigeons since they may get caught in the trap.

So, before you go shopping for a pigeon net, you should measure your pigeons. This will help you determine which type of net is the right fit for them.

You can do this by placing the measurements of your pigeons on a piece of paper and then folding the paper along the lines. Next, place the folded paper on one side of the pigeons and place a piece of paper with a measurement on the other side.

Now, you can use a ruler to measure the length and width of your pigeons. When measuring, you account for your pigeons' wings, beaks, and feet. You can use a measuring tape to measure the length and the distance between the feet and the wings. You can also use a digital ruler to measure the width of your pigeons.

Factor In The Type Of Pigeon You’re Raising

If you’re growing peacocks, you should buy a sturdier net. These birds can get stuck in pretty much anything, and you don’t want them to get stuck in a sturdier net. So, you should buy a sturdier net for your peacocks.

You can buy a much cheaper net if you're growing common pigeons. These pigeons aren’t as delicate as peacocks and can fly in any trap. So, you can buy much cheaper nets that are less sturdy.


At the end of the day, buying a pigeon net is all about finding one that’s the right fit for you and your pigeons. Unfortunately, in Jodhpur, India, it can be challenging to choose from the many options available. So we’ve compiled this guide to help you choose the right pigeon net.

There are many things to consider when buying a pigeon net. You need to make sure that the net is big enough for your pigeons, sturdy enough for your pigeons, and not too expensive. In Jodhpur, India, you can find a lot of pigeon nets, but finding the right one can be a challenge. This guide will help you find the right pigeon net.


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